Entries for 2025 are now closed. The shortlist will be published on 8 April.
Judges’ Panel

The Judges

A broad mix representing the professions, government departments and agencies, leading residential clients and designers, all individuals dedicated to improving design quality.

Longest Running Awards

There are two streams of awards made each year. About half go to ‘Projects’: these schemes must have detailed planning permission but can be pre-construction, partly completed or partly occupied. Judges do not usually visit schemes entered as a Project but take a view on their potential.

Awards for Completed schemes are made to a Completed development, or to a scheme that is built out as a series of distinct buildings/phases which can be visited in person by the panel of judges. without the need for them to wear any PPE. Completed awards are never made to schemes without judges visiting.

Amy Burbidge

Amy Burbidge

Good design is considering how places will function for the people that will use them, making it easy and pleasant to walk to school, providing somewhere peaceful and shaded to chat to neighbours, or thinking about how to make it easy to get the bins in and out.

Atam Verdi

Atam Verdi

Good design qualities are those where aesthetic and function combine well; can be replicated and have longetivity.

Claire Bennie

Claire Bennie

Claire spent 11 years at London housing association Peabody, latterly as Development Director, leading an award-winning programme of 5,000 new build homes.

Dan Roberts

Dan Roberts

Good Design is responsive to its context, in both form and function, and gives people joy. The best designs have elements that are translatable and reusable, through time and place; they provide innovation and learning. They create ‘people places’.

Dav Bansal

Dav Bansal

Good design is a combination of clear thinking and a strong narrative from the outset, underpinning what is most important for the place and the communities who will be affected by it

David Birkbeck

David Birkbeck

Don’t ever underestimate the value of daylighting, a view (ideally verdant), ample storage

David Roberts

David Roberts

Good design demonstrates a deep understanding of locality, creating specialness, identity and enjoyment of the place by residents and neighbours

Dr Gemma Jerome

Dr Gemma Jerome

Good Design is resilient to change and uncertainty. I want to see places which allow people and wildlife to flourish together, now and long into the future.

Dr Louise Brooke-Smith OBE, FRICS, MRTPI

Dr Louise Brooke-Smith OBE, FRICS, MRTPI

An intelligent and clever treatment of the built environment that allows me to enjoy my surroundings, whether it's the home I share with my family, or the office I share with my colleagues or the spaces where I spend my spare time

Esther Kurland

Esther Kurland

What is good design? It's how places relate to people, and because of this the definition does not change, nothing much change. As Vitruvius, the ancient roman said, good design is about ensuring places work well, last and look good

Hari Phillips

Hari Phillips

Good design exhibits generosity. It goes above and beyond to give something back to the environment, to the civic realm; to residents and those passing by. It demonstrates a level of care, an understanding of the responsibility of shaping our world and most importantly it adds joy and delight.

Jane Briginshaw

Jane Briginshaw

Good design means valuing people and making great places for them.

Joanna Averley

Joanna Averley

Kevin McGeough

Kevin McGeough

Good housing design should promote homes which foster opportunities to enjoy a high quality of life for their residents whilst also making a significant contribution to creating great places, encouraging interesting and vibrant streetscapes

Krista Evans

Krista Evans

Supporting the sector to build climate-resilient homes that enable sustainable living while improving outcomes for nature.

Good design means places that are built to a quality that lasts, where homes are still meeting people's needs in decades to come through longevity or adaptability.

Lisa Jackson MA, BSc MRTPI

Lisa Jackson MA, BSc MRTPI

Good design will create a positive response for the recipient, sometimes without consciously knowing it

Mehban Chowdery

Mehban Chowdery

Good design is

Michael Lowndes

Michael Lowndes

For me good housing design is about responding to context and making great places

Richard Williams

Richard Williams

Environmentally inclusive – utilising the natural elements and materials to its’ surroundings. Maximising natural elements – e.g. Natural Daylight & Fresh Air
Flexibility & Adaptability – have the foresight to adapt the building for multiple uses in the future. Sustainability is utilising existing building stock, rather than demolishing and rebuilding.
Hearts & Minds – Ensuring the building meets the requirements for its’ occupants – People make places.

Sarah Allan

Sarah Allan

Good design is …
built to last, environmentally friendly, fit for purpose, beautiful and innovative