Entry deadline for 2025 extended to end of the day Thursday 13th March.
Tibby Triangle

Tibby Triangle



Planning Application Link View map Video

Number/street name:
Tibbys Way

Address line 2:


IP18 6GL

Ash Sakula Architects

Architect contact number:

Hopkins Homes.

Hopkins Homes

Planning Authority:
Waveney District Council

Planning Reference:

Date of Completion:

Schedule of Accommodation:
26 houses and 8 apartments ranging from 1 to 4 bedrooms

Tenure Mix:
Mixed tenure

Total number of homes:

Site size (hectares):

Net Density (homes per hectare):

Size of principal unit (sq m):

Smallest Unit (sq m):

Largest unit (sq m):

No of parking spaces:
34 cycle spaces

Scheme PDF Download

Planning History

Planning permission was granted in March 2007. Construction began in January 2008 with completion programmed for May 2009.

The Design Process

We looked very closely at this unspoilt seaside town, where there has been very little post-war development of any kind. Our aim has been to create a mix of public and private spaces and buildings that responds to the specific texture of Southwold, with its combination of narrow courtyards, wide views, private gardens, unexpected details and concerns and interesting juxtapositions of large and small, old and new. The form and materials of the proposals have been carefully chosen to reflect the scale and quality of precursors in and around Southwold, while giving a fresh and contemporary edge to the scheme. A buff brick is used, and some facades are painted in white and other colours, including occasional use of the local maritime tradition of black tarred brickwork to walls facing the prevailing wind. Windows are bespoke timber. Roofs are pantiled, while flat roofs are sedum covered. Landscaping is informal. In the new market square we are embedding into the road surface timbers recycled from the groynes dividing Southwold’s beaches. Much of the new landscape will be in the form of private gardens which have a strongly public role around the new square, and withing the housing area. Southwold is characterised by small but generous front gardens spilling out into the public realm, with their owners taking great pride in their maintenance and presentation. The scheme builds on this tradition with prominent front gardens and low garden walls of flint or brick. Also typical of Southwold are the narrow pedestrian lanes and informal shared-surface roadways which we have use in the development.

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Scheme Information

