St Ann’s Masterplan

St Ann’s Masterplan



Planning Application Link View map

Number/street name:
St Anns Road

Address line 2:


N15 3TH

Karakusevic Carson Architects

Architect contact number:
+44(0)207 566 6300

Peabody, Hill Group.

Planning Authority:
London Borough of Haringey

Planning consultant:
Lambert Smith Hampton

Planning Reference:

Date of Completion:

Schedule of Accommodation:
337 x 1 bed; 470 x 2 bed; 111 x 3 bed; 53 x 4 bed

Tenure Mix:
60% affordable (60% London affordable rent, 18% London Living Rent, 22% shared ownership), 40% private sale

Total number of homes:
71 sqm

Site size (hectares):

Net Density (homes per hectare):

Size of principal unit (sq m):

Smallest Unit (sq m):

Largest unit (sq m):

No of parking spaces:

Scheme PDF Download

Planning History

In 2022, Karakusevic Carson Architects submitted a Hybrid Planning Application for the redevelopment of the former St Ann’s Hospital site in Haringey into a new residential neighbourhood. The application comprises: Detailed proposals for Phase 1A (239 new homes, seven refurbished Victorian hospital buildings, and landscape and public realm works including the central Peace Garden); and Outline proposals for Phases 1B, 2 and 3; providing up to 995 new homes. A Design Code included within the OPA embeds the quality and ambition of Phase 1A as a benchmark for each future phase of development. Planning approval was granted in 2022.

The Design Process

St Ann’s New Neighbourhood brings together Peabody as long-term investor in place and communities, the Mayor of London, and the local community to deliver a landscape-led, mixed-use and truly affordable neighbourhood, rooted in a strong sense of place.

Celebrating the site’s heritage, the central ‘Peace Garden’ is tripled in size, creating a community focus, lined with affordable workspace and community uses within the refurbished hospital buildings. The wider masterplan is arranged to frame key views of the heritage buildings and preserve the wealth of existing trees.

A strategic new route through the site to Green Lanes station improves accessibility for the wider community, and new streets prioritise pedestrians and cyclists, supported by a nature-rich, playable public realm.

A variety of housing typologies respond to their masterplan setting. Terraces of family houses to the site’s perimeter address the Conservation Area and adjacent Victorian streets. Courtyard mansion buildings mediate between these lower edges and the prominent Peace Garden frontage, and create semi-private courtyard gardens. Bordering the SINC woodland, villa buildings adopt a looser arrangement, optimising views through this beautiful, natural setting.

A mix of housing types and tenures (including 60% affordable homes) cater to Haringey’s diverse population, including Community Land Trust and NHS key worker housing, as well as Sheltered Older Adults housing for women and LGBTQ+ residents, designed in line with HAPPI principles. New buildings maximise dual aspect layouts, optimising daylight, natural ventilation and views. Rational and efficient layouts enable the substantial delivery of affordable housing.

High-quality contemporary design is interwoven with the site’s heritage assets, with buildings united through a complementary brickwork palette. Semi-recessed balconies carve open building corners and provide rhythm along the park frontage. Within the Conservation Area, the new entrance in the historic boundary wall is flanked by pitched gable family houses, echoing the existing gate lodges.

Key Features

St Ann’s New Neighbourhood provides a new benchmark for affordable-led, excellent quality, sustainable housing in London, with public sector clients and an ambitious design team drawing upon the site’s social, heritage and landscape legacy to provide an exemplary response to the notion of place, dwelling, community and environment.

The largest new development in Haringey, St Ann’s provides a medium-rise, nature-rich neighbourhood of up to 995 homes, of which 60% will be affordable, integrated with amenities for everyday life, prioritising car-free living and age-friendly environments. Peabody’s long-term stewardship of the neighbourhood will secure St Ann’s future legacy.

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Scheme Information


  • Cohousing
  • Multi-Aspect Apartments
  • Innovative House Types
  • Mansion Block
  • Terrace
  • Town house


  • Medium density


  • Affordable
  • Council
  • Private Ownership
  • Shared Ownership
  • Mixed Tenure
  • Mixed Use


  • Large New Settlements
  • Community Consultation
  • Suburban
  • Urban Regeneration


  • Brickwork
  • Contemporary Design
  • Modern methods


  • Biodiversity/Building with Nature
  • Building for a Healthy Life
  • Low embodied carbon construction
  • Low Energy in Use
  • Sustainable urban Drainage Systems

Outdoor areas

  • Private Terraces
  • Outside Terrace
  • Biodiversity
  • Garden

Surrounding Area

  • Healthy Streets
  • Landscape
  • Communal Spaces
  • Community Buildings
  • Play Spaces
  • POS
  • Public open space


  • Over 55s
  • Senior
  • Wheelchair
  • Community


St Ann’s adopts the ‘One Planet Living’ framework, realising connections between sustainable, future-proofed homes, greener lifestyles, and quality of life. A considered approach to orientation and reuse at masterplan scale reduces energy consumption and carbon emissions, prioritising car-free living within a resilient landscape, and embedding circular economy principles. A mix of house types and tenures are integrated with amenities for everyday life, supporting a long-term sustainable community. New homes are designed to be healthy, to engender pride and remain comfortable long into the future, mitigating overheating, reducing fuel poverty, enabling adaptability and facilitating low-carbon lifestyles. Following the London Plan Energy Hierarchy, regulated CO2 savings are reduced by 76.1% through on-site measures, including: • A fabric-first approach including reduced u-values, improved air tightness and calculated psi-values for thermal bridging, with efficient building forms minimising material use. • A majority of dual-aspect dwellings with optimum glazing ratios and openable windows optimise daylighting while minimising overheating risk and cooling / ventilation requirements. Passive systems alongside robust detailing and materials ensure reliable, easily maintainable buildings. • A site-wide electric heat network comprises phased energy centres powered by communal ASHP and bio-solar roofs. Improved health, physical activity and well-being are supported through connections to the natural environment. Pedestrian and cycle connections increase the site’s PTAL and access to local amenities, supporting a low parking ratio, and an accessible and child-friendly public realm accompanied by 1,800 new cycle spaces. The site’s legacy of green spaces and trees is strengthened through a thriving, biodiverse landscape, achieving 12% Biodiversity Net Gain. Fundamental to our place-making approach and nature recovery is Urban greening, achieving 0.415 UGF. Extensive soft landscaping provides climate resilience, including 10,000m2 tree cover, green roofs, and swales and retention basin SUDS catering for climate change storm events as well as providing natural play and ecology benefits.