Entries for 2025 are now closed. The shortlist will be published on 8 April.
Par 3

Par 3



Planning Application Link View map Video

Number/street name:

Address line 2:


DN36 4SF

Jonathan Hendry Architects

Architect contact number:

Cyden Homes Ltd.

Planning Authority:
North East Lincolnshire Council

Planning Reference:

Date of Completion:

Schedule of Accommodation:
27 x 2 bed semi-detached; 1 x 2 bed terrace; 25 x 3 bed semi-detached; 5 x 3 bed terrace; 3 x 3 bed cottage; 4 x 3 bed detached; 2 x 3 bed long barn; 1 x 3 bed cranked barn; 16 x 4 bed farmhouse; 27 x 4 bed cottage; 6 x 4 bed dormer house; 4 x 4 bed two-storey barn.

Tenure Mix:
87% private; 13% affordable.

Total number of homes:

Site size (hectares):

Net Density (homes per hectare):

Size of principal unit (sq m):

Smallest Unit (sq m):

Largest unit (sq m):

No of parking spaces:

Scheme PDF Download

Planning History

In January 2010, Jonathan Hendry Architects were appointed to design a residential development with high sustainable credentials on the former Par 3 golf club site for the owners. The project was developed in collaboration with a full design team, representatives of North East Lincolnshire Planning Department and the local community. Shortly before the submission of the project to planning, Cyden Homes Ltd purchased the site from the owners. In which they reappointed Jonathan Hendry Architects to redesign the scheme. Jonathan Hendry Architects successfully took this through planning and to detailed design stage but had no involvement during the construction stage.

The Design Process

The development aims to create a place that has unique characteristics appropriate for its location and context. The primary access road is bordered by a strip of wildflower meadow and takes all traffic through the central green creating a strong sense of arrival. A series of lanes with shared home zones branch off, these lanes are arranged around existing avenues of mature trees allowing a natural flow of dwelling placement.
The dwellings are adjusted in their built form and orientation dependent on their typology to maximise solar orientation and minimise overshadowing. All dwellings are carefully considered in their placement to allow a generous formation of space between buildings. This generosity is driven by the desire to create a place that has a sense of openness; a spatial quality somewhere in-between suburbia and open countryside.
Par 3 achieved Level 5 of the Code for Sustainable Homes.
To achieve a good social mix it is imperative that a variety of house typologies are developed. We like the idea of working with typologies that are familiar; the semi, terrace and detached. The aim for the design of the typologies is to provide long-life, adaptable buildings that allow for change and adaptability in peoples lives. Taken from familiar typologies, but not in anyway being pastiche or attempting to turn the clock back, the houses draw upon and extend the principles of these typologies and adapt this to modern lifestyles and patterns of habitation. We are interested in learning from the past to create the contemporary. We like the idea that typologies are organised around the idea of farmstead. Buildings arranged to create groups that define space and form an interface between settlement and landscape. Drawing inspiration from the English typology studies that have been undertaken; facades become a contemporary interpretation of these familiar housing typologies.

Key Features

The development provides an abundance of amenity open space, with appropriate pedestrian and cycle links. The project encompasses an ecologically diverse environment with opportunities for outdoor play and recreation for a range of age groups across the site. Large open spaces away from the principal carriageway, overlooked by housing provide a safe environment to play.
The inclusion of areas of native wildflower meadow makes reference to the wild grasses that characterise this redundant site whilst the idea of maximising bio-diversity is one that we feel is extremely important.

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Scheme Information


  • Innovative House Types
  • Detached
  • Semi-detached
  • Terrace


  • Medium density
  • Low density


  • Affordable
  • Private Ownership


  • Large New Settlements
  • Community Consultation
  • Suburban


  • Brickwork
  • Contemporary Design
  • Traditional
  • Local Vernacular
  • Vernacular


  • Sustainable urban Drainage Systems
  • Biodiversity/Building with Nature
  • Building for a Healthy Life

Outdoor areas

  • Biodiversity
  • Garden

Surrounding Area

  • Healthy Streets
  • Landscape
  • Communal Spaces
  • Play Spaces
  • Public open space


  • Over 55s
  • Senior
  • Wheelchair
  • Community


The proposal embodies environmental technologies, sustainable materials and construction methodologies to create a development that has a minimal environmental impact on its immediate and wider context. The sites sustainable location means that occupants are not dependent on the use of the car. The project has achieved the Code for Sustainable Homes Level 5, designed and built with 400mm super insulated walls, high levels of insulation in the floor and roofs, and generously proportioned windows that provide natural light and ventilation. It meets the incorporated 16 design criteria set within the Life Time Homes standards. In addition building forms are designed and orientated to maximise solar orientation and minimise overshadowing. The houses are designed provide long-life, adaptable buildings that allow for change and adaptability in peoples lives, for example the infrastructure is available for the implementation of EV charging facilities. Photovoltaic panels are situated to optimise energy production on the south facing roof pitches. The South façades at garden level are predominantly glazed, maximising the benefits of solar gain. During the winter months when the sun is at a shallow angle, the sun will penetrate the depth of the dwelling providing natural heating. During the summer months when the suns angle is much greater, the pergola will prevent the direct sun from entering the dwellings, keeping them cooler. The landscape strategy revolved around retaining existing tree settlements, which allowed for a formation for pedestrian routes through the site. Blurring the line between nature and suburbia. The native wildflower meadow areas amongst these routes that nestle around the development allow slack spaces for people to live and circulate through. These spaces assist to the idea of place making for the in habitants, encouraging a more social dynamic environment than a regimented plan of housing.