Ordnance Lane

Ordnance Lane



Planning Application Link View map Video

Number/street name:
Ordnance Lane

Address line 2:


YO10 4DY

Mikhail Riches

Architect contact number:

City of York Council.

Planning Authority:
City of York Council

Planning consultant:

Planning Reference:

Date of Completion:

Schedule of Accommodation:
24 x 1bed, 32 x 2 bed, 14 x 3 bed, 10 x 4 bed, 5 x 5 bed

Tenure Mix:
60% affordable (social rent and shared ownership) 40% market

Total number of homes:

Site size (hectares):
1.38 hectares

Net Density (homes per hectare):

Size of principal unit (sq m):

Smallest Unit (sq m):
50 sqm

Largest unit (sq m):
175 sqm

No of parking spaces:

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Planning History

Ordnance Lane was granted full planning permission in June 2022. The project team engaged fully with stakeholders and local residents for 2 years, prior to the application. Co-design workshops, public mid-stage reviews and online discussions ensured the scheme brought forward was one that met the need of the local community. This process highlighted a need that lead the client to change the brief to provide a range of intergenerational homes.
A previous application for part of the site (by others) was withdrawn. This was a proposed residential scheme, which demolished all existing buildings along Ordnance Lane.

The Design Process

The new neighbourhood at Ordnance Lane knits together a previously disjointed part of the urban fabric to the south of York’s City Centre. The ‘New Ordnance Lane’, car free route connects the existing amenities of Fulford Road (to the east) with the nurseries, gyms, retail and office uses of the Hospital Roads trading estate (to the west). This east-west axis reinstates the original front of the retained building on site, a former military ‘Married Quarters’ and provides new homes, landscapes, community spaces and commercial spaces off this central street.
The green link, cycle and pedestrian route running along the east boundary, connects residential areas to the north and south of the site, and provides access to the city’s cycle highway which connects to the tow path of the river Ouze and leads to the city centre.
To the east of the site there are 5 rows of new terrace housing, bookended with 3-storey flats, each with their own front door. These streets are set out to reflect the urban grain of the Victorian terrace streets to the north.
The landscape led design provides a range of external spaces, for the existing, surrounding residents and the new residents of the development. The Urban Orchard is the primary external amenity space, placed in the centre of the scheme, where the north/south, east/west axis meet. This space is located next to the community space on the ground floor of the retained Married Quarters building (block 7), allowing the community to access and connect to this important part of the retained local history. An intergenerational pocket garden, arranged around two existing trees is located off ‘New Ordnance Lane’ toward Fulford Road.
Shared courtyards are provided between the terraces, allowing for safe play accessed directly off rear gardens.

Key Features

Ordnance Lane is designed to promote intergenerational relationships, helping combat loneliness.
Typologies include:
- Multi-Generational Home –designed for one extended family, where up to three generations can live, containing a 4 bedroom home and connected one-bedroom flat.
- Intergenerational building (upper floors of block 7 and all of block 8). Houses a mix of young and older people. Occupants live in their own flat but share several common facilities, encouraging people to form beneficial friendships.
Design interventions in the landscape increase spontaneous and planned interactions. Examples include paired front doors, low garden fences and raised growing bed.

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Scheme Information


  • Terrace


  • Medium density


  • Mixed Tenure


  • Community Consultation


  • Brickwork
  • Contemporary Design
  • Local Vernacular
  • Vernacular
  • CLT


  • Sustainable urban Drainage Systems
  • Low embodied carbon construction
  • Low Energy in Use
  • Biodiversity/Building with Nature
  • Building for a Healthy Life

Outdoor areas

  • Biodiversity
  • Garden

Surrounding Area

  • Healthy Streets
  • Landscape
  • Communal Spaces
  • Community Buildings
  • Play Spaces


The new buildings at Ordnance Lane are designed to certified Passivhaus standards. Passive strategies, such as south orientated terraces, with a good form-factor and natural ventilation have been used to reduce the cost of certified Passivhaus. The retained ‘Married Quarters Building’ (block 7) is going to be retrofitted to the AECB retrofit standard, which required a heating demand of 50kWh/m2 and an airtightness of 2. The new homes on the development form part of a net zero carbon in operation neighbourhood. This ensures the amount of energy used throughout the year is offset by the amount of energy produced on site per year. Energy demand is reduced through the use of ASHPs and Passivhaus homes with high levels off airtightness and insultation. Energy is produced on-site using photovoltaics. Embodied carbon calculations were used to compare super-structure options. This resulted in the new build homes being timber frame. A low carbon lifestyle is promoted on site by reducing car dependency. Ordnance Lane has a parking ratio of 0.3 It is well located and designed to give residents good active travel options. The site is located adjacent to bus stops on Fulford Road, and the cycle route through the site, connects to the cycle highway along Hospital Fields Road to the south. Safe, car-free pedestrian streets provide enjoyable walking routes, and ample bike storage, including cargo-bike storage enable residents to cycle easily. 2 no. electric car club locations are provided on Fulford Road and Hospital Field Road. The residents of the development also have access to 4no. electric cargo bikes.