Entry deadline for 2025 extended to end of the day Thursday 13th March.
Kerswell Close

Kerswell Close



Planning Application Link View map

Number/street name:
Land to rear of 2-14 Kerswell Close

Address line 2:


N15 5RP

Newground Architects

Architect contact number:

Haringey Council.

Planning Authority:
London Borough of Haringey

Planning Reference:

Date of Completion:

Schedule of Accommodation:
1 x 4-bed flats; 3 x 3-bed flats; 12 x 2-bed flats; 9 x 1-bed flats

Tenure Mix:
100% affordable

Total number of homes:

Site size (hectares):

Net Density (homes per hectare):

Size of principal unit (sq m):

Smallest Unit (sq m):

Largest unit (sq m):

No of parking spaces:
2 blue-badge parking spaces

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Planning History

This prominent site, which received planning consent on 23 January 2023, had a complex planning history and required careful consideration and consultation to unlock its development potential. Community engagement on the proposed buildings as well as s105 consultation on public realm helped shape proposals. Input from the local authority Quality Review Panel also formed an integral part of the process leading to planning. Proposals for the site's redevelopment were considered in the context of a number of adjacent council-owned sites, which are likely to be brought forward for development in the near future.

The Design Process

Kerswell Close forms part of the London Borough of Haringey’s ambitious new-build development programme, which aims to deliver high-quality homes for council rent: the first direct development of council homes in Haringey for over 40 years. The complex council-owned site is close to the Seven Sisters underground at the junction of St Ann’s and Seven Sisters roads and marks the end of the adjacent Conservation Area. The site consists of an area of disused surface parking surrounded by an extensive green margin including mature trees along street frontages, which give the site its character and shaped proposals for redevelopment. The project will provide 25 new homes for council rent and a street-level Adult Care Hub in two buildings, four and five storeys respectively. A single-storey entrance building links the two blocks and acts as a gateway to the development from the busy corner. The new buildings, together with the adjacent 2- and 3-storey 1970s council housing, define a shared internal garden, which provides a place to retreat from the activity of the busy external environment the new buildings now positively address and animate. Central to the design concept was the provision of a range of amenity spaces and public realm improvements as well as the rationalisation of existing convoluted pedestrian paths across the site to design out antisocial behaviour. A range of public open spaces designed around the mature trees along street frontages, together with the communal garden to the centre of the site, offer tangible benefits to existing residents on the back of the provision of new council homes.

Key Features

• Improved connections, security and public/private definition for the existing estate as part of the new development
• Open space and amenity clearly defined with mature trees retained to public frontages and new private courtyard garden
• Adult Care Hub incorporated at street level to provide on-site services and animate street frontages
• Limited blue-badge parking and vehicular service access integrated discreetly within landscape
• Positive urban edge provided to the prominent corner site through articulation of building orientation and geometry
• Building typologies developed, allow for legible entrance and circulation sequence and provide dual/multiple aspect

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Scheme Information


  • Multi-Aspect Apartments
  • Mansion Block


  • Medium density


  • Affordable
  • Council


  • Estate Regeneration
  • Community Consultation
  • Urban Infill


  • Brickwork
  • Contemporary Design
  • New London Vernacular


  • Infill

Outdoor areas

  • Private Terraces
  • Biodiversity
  • Garden

Surrounding Area

  • Landscape
  • Communal Spaces
  • Community Buildings
  • Play Spaces
  • Public open space


LB Haringey has declared a climate emergency and outlined a vision to deliver net zero carbon homes with low-energy bills for residents. The development incorporates passive design measures with homes designed as dual or multiple aspect giving the opportunity for windows to open away from the environmental constraints along the busier road frontages. The design follows a fabric first approach, which includes a super-insulated and airtight building envelope incorporating high-performance windows and whole house Mechanical Ventilation with Heat Recovery. Good daylight levels and mitigation against overheating are balanced through the provision of appropriately sized fenestration with balconies and deep window reveals providing passive shading. Robust strategies mitigate the risk of overheating in a climate change scenario and have been evaluated using thermal dynamic simulation. An electricity-led servicing strategy is proposed comprising ASHPs and solar PV. The residential elements of the proposals achieve net zero carbon (100% reduction of on-site regulated carbon emissions against a Part L 2013 with SAP10.2 carbon factors), with the non-residential element achieving BREEAM ‘Very Good’. Ecology on site will be improved with the introduction of landscaped areas within the central courtyard space. The communal courtyard will be designed in different zones including a woodland garden, play space and lawned amenity areas and incorporates Sustainable urban drainage systems (SuDS). Other measures proposed include: • Biodiversity roofs • Low-energy appliances and water-conserving sanitaryware • Low-temperature underfloor heating • 100% sustainably sourced timber during construction • Car-free development with limited blue-badge spaces including electric vehicle charging points • Cycle parking with stores accessed off the main entrance foyer, ensuring they are safe, secure and well-used