Orwell House

Orwell House



Planning Application Link View map

Number/street name:
Baroness Road

Address line 2:
Bethnal Green


E2 7LP

Bell Phillips Architects

Architect contact number:

London Borough of Tower Hamlets.

Planning Authority:
London Borough of Tower Hamlets

Planning Reference:

Date of Completion:

Schedule of Accommodation:
5x 1-bedroom, 9x 2 bedroom, 6x 3-bedroom flats

Tenure Mix:
100% Affrordable

Total number of homes:

Site size (hectares):

Net Density (homes per hectare):

Size of principal unit (sq m):

Smallest Unit (sq m):

Largest unit (sq m):

No of parking spaces:

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Planning History

Four rounds of resident consultations were held. Residents wanted the architectural heritage of the estate to be recognised, with a building that was something different to other “boring new developments”. During the three pre-app meetings, the main area of discussion was provision of amenity space with the solution being to integrate a fifth-floor terrace providing doorstep play for 0-5 year olds. The Conservation Officer noted the proposal “is of an exemplary design … an elegant response to the constraints of the site” and that the high quality of architecture alleviated concerns around height and density.

The Design Process

Orwell House sits within the Dorset Estate, a notable post-war estate by celebrated modernist architect Berthold Lubetkin, on the brownfield site of a former surface car park. Responding to the distinctive estate, the 6-storey building squarely addresses the park in a wedge shape form that ties together the geometry of neighbouring buildings. Orwell House provides 20 homes, comprising five 1-bedroom, nine 2 bed-room and six 3-bedroom flats including two wheelchair accessible flats on the ground floor. Helping to address local housing shortages, all of the homes are provided at the Boroughs approved rental levels, which include London Affordable Rent and Tower Hamlets Living Rents.
The scheme has been designed to enhance the experience of inner city living. At a density of 133 dwellings per hectare, the development comfortably matches the existing density levels elsewhere within the area. The distribution of living areas prioritises views onto the park from balconies whilst a rooftop communal terrace provides amenity for residents with views across the park. The building has been sited so that it has minimal impact on the local wildlife, mature trees that contribute to biodiversity and local character have been retained and new trees planted. Further reinforcing local character, the building adds enclosure, security and animation to an area of the park that was formerly ‘open’.
Bell Phillips Architects carefully studied Lubetkin’s Dorset Estate, which was constructed as part of the inner-city slum clearance programme of the 1950s. In particular, the screen design drew inspiration from the patterned elevations. The development adds character with a joyful, contemporary take on the motifs, patterns and colours of the estate. A façade of bright pink glass-reinforced concrete screens to generous balconies addresses the eastern and western aspects while a simpler brick facade is presented to the north and south.

Key Features

Orwell House will relieve overcrowding and improve the quality of accommodation and life of council tenants, some of whom have disabilities. The development is 100% affordable and is to be let at the LBTH agreed affordable rental levels. The new homes are advertised by the council and let through ‘Choice Based Lettings’ process. The development is highly sustainable with a PV array and large areas of glazing to allow for high levels of natural daylight and fresh air circulation. The provision of cycle storage will promote sustainable modes of transport and help residents to lower their carbon footprint.

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Scheme Information


  • Innovative House Types


  • Medium density


  • Affordable
  • Council


  • Estate Regeneration
  • Community Consultation
  • Window distances
  • Infill
  • Suburban
  • Urban Infill
  • Urban Regeneration


  • Contemporary Design
  • Local Vernacular


  • Infill

Surrounding Area

  • Healthy Streets
  • Landscape
  • Communal Spaces
  • Play Spaces

