Dockley Apartments

Dockley Apartments



Planning Application Link View map

Number/street name:
5 Dockley Road

Address line 2:


SE16 3SN

Studio Woodroffe Papa Ltd.

Poggi Architecture

Architect contact number:
077256 48814

Matching Green.

Planning Authority:
London Borough of Southwark

Planning consultant:
Temple Group

Planning Reference:

Date of Completion:

Schedule of Accommodation:
24 x 3 bed flats, 42 x 2 bed flats, 45 x 1 bed flats plus 1,100m2 Commercial space

Tenure Mix:
38% affordable ( 18% social rent, 20% shared ownership) 62% private)

Total number of homes:

Site size (hectares):
0.36 ha

Net Density (homes per hectare):

Size of principal unit (sq m):

Smallest Unit (sq m):

Largest unit (sq m):

No of parking spaces:
3 (disabled accessible car spaces)

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Planning History

First pre-application meeting: 2017
Full planning submission: January 2018
Planning permission granted with conditions: April 2019
Start on site: April 2020
Novation to contractor: March 2020
Completion: August 2022
Community and local residents have been actively engaged throughout the design process. Two consultations were held on site and were open to residents and businesses both adjacent and in a wider area. These provided the opportunity to talk to the whole project team

The Design Process

1. Transformation of industrial site; integrated back into existing street network. Extends ‘Low Line’ with a new active laneway along rail arches.
2. New shops and cafes provide active street frontages. Laneway provides new artisan wholesale/retail units that becomes a lively, community market and social eating space at weekend.
3. Well served by tube, bus, cycle and walking routes in accordance with the Healthy Streets initiative.
4. 111 dual aspect, (1,2, 3 bed) mixed-tenure homes exceeding the borough’s affordable housing requirements.
5. Distinctive courtyard building forms active frontages on all sides. It draws on the industrial characteristics of the location in geometry, material and colour embedding it into the context.
6. Form, height, and mass responds to context. Terraced section maximises daylight/sunlight into courtyard garden, new homes and existing neighbours whilst opening views to local landmarks. The perimeter pulls back from the mature trees
7. Creates pedestrian friendly tree-lined streets with active frontages, entrance lobbies and private balconies. Shops occupy strongly defined street corners
8. Broad pavements and covered entry spaces give protected areas and aid wayfinding. Large gates give visual permeability through the courtyard from Spa to Dockley Road. The laneway aligns with the ‘Shard’
9. Broad tree-lined streets with active frontages, integrated cycle parking and covered entrances ensure safe and active pedestrian environment
10. Three disabled spaces integrated into the building off of laneway
11. Everyone has a generous balcony. Courtyard garden with two play spaces for different ages (one covered) is well overlooked and accessible to all residents, Communal terraces with planting and seating are on the 1st and 4th floor. The laneway is a lively market and social eating space at the weekend.
12. Bins are concealed adjacent to entrance lobbies. Cycles are conveniently adjacent to courtyard in a transparent, secure, well-lit, and covered enclosure.

Key Features

100% dual aspect homes. with 200-400% more private amenity than one would expect for the cost; generous, perimeter balconies provide summer shading and outdoor eating. Wide ‘galleries’ give access to 35 different types of homes. Roof terraces offer safe, overlooked, communal spaces with planting and seating
The courtyard provides an equitable point, for all tenures, to access the individual entrance lobbies. The garden visually opens up to the street and the wider neighbourhood.
Artisan wholesale/retail units form a two-sided laneway that becomes a lively neighbourhood market and social eating space at the weekend extending the life of Southwark’s ‘Low-Line’

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Scheme Information


  • Multi-Aspect Apartments
  • Innovative House Types


  • Medium density
  • Compact


  • Affordable
  • Private Ownership
  • Shared Ownership
  • Mixed Tenure
  • Mixed Use


  • Community Consultation
  • Urban Infill
  • Urban Regeneration


  • Brickwork
  • Contemporary Design
  • Modern methods


  • Low Energy in Use

Outdoor areas

  • Private Terraces
  • Roof Gardens
  • Roof Terrace
  • Outside Terrace
  • Biodiversity
  • Garden

Surrounding Area

  • Healthy Streets
  • Communal Spaces


The sustainability principles of Dockley Apartments demonstrate an energy hierarchy with a “Lean Clean and Green” approach. Key passive design features include; specifying a high performance building fabric, airtightness, and thermal bridging to reduce winter heat loss and promote significant less energy use for space heating. Radiant heat technology in the form of underfloor heating has been provided as a more energy efficient space heating technique to reduce life cycle carbon use and address rising fuel costs for residents. The MVHR system reduces heating energy demands and provides residents with tempered fresh air, so they are welcome to open or close windows for amenity without needing to do so for ventilation. The units are fitted with highly efficient heat exchangers, maximising energy recovery from stale air. Shaded balconies significantly reduce heat gain and increase thermal comfort inside the dwelling while confronting climate change and expected warmer summers. Two Photovoltaic array systems are installed on the roof cores and contribute to a reduction in overall energy use CO2 emissions. Landlord areas and external lighting is controlled by a combination of day/ night-time clocks and PV sensors, and all light fittings are fitted with LED low energy lamps for maximum energy efficiency. Embodied Carbon has been reduced in the foundation by utilising Controlled Modulus Columns as a ground improvement rather than a piled substructure. Engaging with the circular economy the steel cladding façade has a large, recycled material content and is demountable and reusable or recyclable at the end of life. The small, constrained site and its adjacency to existing homes and the rail viaduct has required balancing the health and wellbeing benefits of delivering 100% dual aspect and cross-ventilation for the new homes, the terraced form to retain daylight to neighbouring residents with the operational energy and ‘fabric first’ strategies.