Entries for 2025 are now closed. The shortlist will be published on 8 April.
Arcus Road

Arcus Road



Planning Application Link View map Video

Number/street name:
135-159 Glenbow Road

Address line 2:
2-18 Arcus Road



Mikhail Riches

Architect contact number:

Phoenix Community Housing.

Planning Authority:
London Borough of Lewisham

Planning consultant:
Maddox Associates

Planning Reference:

Date of Completion:

Schedule of Accommodation:
14 x 1 bed flats; 2 x 2 bed flats; 2 x 2 bed houses; 16 x 3 bed houses; 2 x 4 bed houses

Tenure Mix:
30% shared ownership, 70% social rent

Total number of homes:

Site size (hectares):

Net Density (homes per hectare):

Size of principal unit (sq m):

Smallest Unit (sq m):

Largest unit (sq m):

No of parking spaces:

Scheme PDF Download

Planning History

Full planning permission was granted full planning permission in October 2022. The project team engaged in 4 Pre-Application meetings with various stakeholders between September 2020 and October 2021. Additionally various public engagement activities were held with local residents concerning the development of new affordable, energy-efficient homes in the area. Activities included “Chat and Chips” gatherings, digital engagement sessions, telephone call-ins, councillor briefings, newsletter issuances, and dialogues with individual neighbours, among others. The Design and Project Team engaged residents from a range of backgrounds, including freeholders, Phoenix tenants, and leaseholders. This feedback was incorporated into the development of proposals.

The Design Process

Prioritising pedestrian movements and making safe low-traffic streets is fundamental to creating communities and improving social connectedness. This in turn has an impact on children’s safety and their ability to play freely in their neighbourhood. The larger the sense of community the more freedom to roam. Arcus Road is a project for 36 homes for Phoenix Community Housing in Lewisham, London. It will be Certified Passivhaus and Net Zero Carbon, delivering a benchmark in Lewisham and funded by the GLA. Our design creates 3 terraces, 2 which step down the slope managing level changes and integrating sustainability with placemaking. The street section has been developed to integrate SUDS, incorporate parking whilst maximising usable landscape for residents, promoting small children’s play and social connectedness.

Key Features

Arcus Road provides improved connections to the existing neighbourhood, new access to green spaces, safe play areas for children and energy efficient housing. Key characteristics include new cycle and pedestrian routes, ample bike storage, natural play spaces, and limited car parking to promote a pedestrian friendly environment. Homes are arranged in terraces and designed to Passivhaus standard which will lead to quiet homes with low heating bills and high levels of comfort in both winter and summer. Sizes range from 1 bedroom 2 person flats to larger 4 bedroom 7 person family houses. Four specialist flats (M4(3)) are provided.

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Scheme Information


  • Terrace


  • Medium density


  • Mixed Tenure


  • Community Consultation
  • Suburban
  • Urban Regeneration


  • Brickwork
  • Local Vernacular
  • New London Vernacular
  • Vernacular


  • Low embodied carbon construction
  • Low Energy in Use
  • Biodiversity/Building with Nature

Outdoor areas

  • Biodiversity
  • Garden

Surrounding Area

  • Healthy Streets
  • Landscape
  • Communal Spaces
  • Play Spaces


By targeting Certified Passivhaus and Net Zero Carbon, the development is set to significantly exceed the London Plan and Lewisham planning energy policies. A fabric first approach has been adopted. Simple building forms are given a well insulated, airtight envelope that minimises thermal bridging. Efficient, low carbon services including air source heat pumps, direct electricity and MVHR are proposed to improve internal comfort. Under the proposed design, each block has a space heating demand which meets or surpasses the Passivhaus criterion of 15 kWh/m2/yr. Roof mounted PVs provide electricity to the scheme and reduce reliance on the grid. Generation from PVs is calculated to be approximately 40 kWh/m2/yr, which is in excess of the energy required by the development making it a Net Zero Operational Carbon scheme. Arcus Road will aim to surpass building regulations compliance for water use. Internal potable water consumption will be minimised through the use of water-efficient taps, showerheads and water-saving appliances. A new surface water drainage system is proposed to limit the volume of surface water leaving the site and limit the flow of any surface water that does need to connect to the public sewer. Below ground storage tanks will be constructed beneath the site. Vortex valves will restrict the maximum flow rate at which surface water is discharged from the site to 5 l/s. The site receives a poor PTAL rating. However, there are numerous amenities within walking distance. 14 car parking spaces are provided in the development, including 4 allocated to the wheelchair accessible homes. 4 of the spaces will also be provided with EV charging points. Each dwelling is provided with secure storage for at least 2 bicycles. Mobility scooter storage with charging points are also provided in some dwellings.