Entry deadline for 2025 extended to end of the day Thursday 13th March.
YMCA Wimbledon

YMCA Wimbledon



Planning Application Link View map

Number/street name:
200 The Broadway

Address line 2:


SW19 1RY

DLA Architecture

Architect contact number:


Planning Authority:
London Borough of Merton

Planning consultant:
Daniel Watney

Planning Reference:

Date of Completion:

Schedule of Accommodation:
121 YMCA homeless hostel bedrooms + community uses, 135 Private homes (1 x studio, 108 x 1 bed flats, 25 x 2 bed flats, 1 x 3bed flats) + Ground floor retail

Tenure Mix:
121 homeless hostel bedrooms, 135 Private Homes

Total number of homes:

Site size (hectares):

Net Density (homes per hectare):

Size of principal unit (sq m):

Smallest Unit (sq m):
15 (homeless bedsit) + 39 (studio)

Largest unit (sq m):

No of parking spaces:

Scheme PDF Download

Planning History

After winning an invited design competition in 2018, DLA was appointed by joint venture partnership Thornsett (the developer) and YMCA St Paul’s Group.
YMCA has held ambitions to redevelop the site for over ten years, but many other schemes were not viable or didn’t receive Merton Council & residents support.
Our design creates a solution which by phasing means that the YMCA can continue to provide accommodation for the homeless and so retention of the income stream. The scheme was developed through extensive consultation with LB Merton, Merton DRP, GLA, Councillors, residents and other local stakeholders within the community.

The Design Process

The site is in Wimbledon Town Centre, London Borough of Merton.
Currently, the site is occupied principally by the 9 storey YMCA as well a 7 storey office building. Phase 1 will demolish the 7 storey building and deliver a 121-room YMCA hostel with community uses in ground and 1st floor. Phase 2 will demolish the 9 storey existing YMCA and deliver 135 new private homes with ground floor retail spaces.
The proposal sees a family of connected buildings that through different heights, plots widths, set-backs and curve corners, addresses the site’s complexities.
The massing facing The Broadway is broken into 3 different elements following the rhythm of The Broadway. The middle block sets back to create a generous, south-facing sunny square on the Broadway, open to all and activated by the uses around it. The massing facing Trinity Road is a series of 4 blocks clearly articulated, dropping in their height and reducing their plot widths to meet the much smaller urban grain of South Park Road. To the back the massing is further broken into different elements to minimise the impact on South Park Road properties and gardens.
A large courtyard in the centre of the residential block has been created to improve the quality of the approach to the dwellings and increasing the number of dual aspect apartments. This courtyard will create a sense of community for the residents.
On the ground floor of The Broadway, frontages will be fully activated by commercial units and the YMCA gym, lobby and cafe.
The proposals aim to connect the Broadway shopping parades either side of our site. Inspiration was taken from the vertical rhythm and character of the surrounding shopping parades as well as organic shapes present in nature to soften the overhang soffit creating a light colonnade.

Key Features

One of the main challenges of the site was meeting GLA requirements (as there is grant support) and so the development meets the Zero Carbon requirements of the GLA, Circular Economy, BREEAM “Very Good” in the YMCA hostel and an Urban Greening Factor of 0.4, as well as 73% dual aspect homes.
Intensive and extensive green roofs, birds and bats boxes are provided to improve the local biodi-versity.
The scheme will incorporate low carbon technologies as Heat Pumps and Photo-Voltaic electricity generation as well as passive design principles like natural ventilation and highly efficient thermal en-velope.

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Scheme Information


  • Multi-Aspect Apartments


  • High density
  • Compact


  • Affordable
  • Private Ownership
  • Cross Subsidy
  • Mixed Use


  • Community Consultation
  • Infill
  • Urban Infill
  • Urban Regeneration


  • Brickwork
  • Contemporary Design
  • Modern methods


  • Conversion / extension / retrofit

Outdoor areas

  • Private Terraces
  • Roof Gardens
  • Roof Terrace
  • Outside Terrace
  • Biodiversity
  • Garden

Surrounding Area

  • Healthy Streets
  • Landscape
  • Communal Spaces
  • Community Buildings
  • Public open space


  • Wheelchair
  • Community


One of the main challenges of the site was meeting GLA requirements (as there is grant support) and so the development meets the Zero Carbon requirements of the GLA, Circular Economy, BREEAM “Very Good” in the YMCA hostel and an Urban Greening Factor of 0.4, as well as 73% dual aspect homes. Intensive and extensive green roofs, birds and bats boxes are provided to improve the local biodiversity. The Energy Assessment has closely followed the GLA guidance and London Plan requirements. A baseline for comparison has been developed based on a Part L 2013 compliant development. The Be Green stage establishes Heat Pumps and Photo-Voltaic electricity generation as the most appropriate low carbon technologies and details how these will be incorporated into the development. After the Be Green Stage the carbon reductions for the domestic and non-domestic sides of the development are calculated as 75% and 69% respectively. The site wide carbon saving is calculated as 71% when compared to Part L 2013 of the building regulations. In accordance with the adopted Merton Local Plan, this project will use the Building Research Environmental Assessment Method to benchmark the environmental sustainability of the design and construction of both the YMCA building and the shell & core retail units. It is anticipated that both assessments should be able to achieve the BREEAM target rating of ‘Very Good’. Moreover, the additional above & beyond measures such as the Life Cycle Costing Study and the innovative ambient temperature heat pump energy strategy greatly help the proposed YMCA Broadway Development to achieve a high level of sustainability.