Entries for 2025 are now closed. The shortlist will be published on 8 April.
11-21 Banstead Road

11-21 Banstead Road



Planning Application Link View map

Number/street name:
11-21 Banstead Road

Address line 2:



Formation Architects

Architect contact number:
020 7251 0781

RAA Ventures Ltd|V Fund Ltd.

Planning Authority:
London Borough of Croydon

Planning consultant:
K G Creative Consultancy Ltd

Planning Reference:

Date of Completion:

Schedule of Accommodation:
15 x 1 bed flats (2 person); 23 x 2 bed flats (3 person); 13 x 2 bed flats (4 person); 13 x 3 bed flats (4 person); 3 x 3 bed flats (5 person)

Tenure Mix:
100% affordable

Total number of homes:

Site size (hectares):

Net Density (homes per hectare):

Size of principal unit (sq m):

Smallest Unit (sq m):

Largest unit (sq m):

No of parking spaces:
7 parking spaces (Blue badge holder spaces)

Scheme PDF Download

Planning History

This scheme has undergone a consultation process with the Council, TfL, councillors, businesses, and key stakeholders, which has led to the design and response to the site. Planning application was submitted on 24th May 2021 and permission was granted on 14th April 2022.

The Design Process

Located on Banstead Road in Purley, the scheme includes 67 homes with a mix of types. The proposal consists of a cluster of 4 urban villas, paired by a central core.
The site sits between two different character areas of Purley, urban and suburban. The layout and massing have been designed to mediate between these two character areas. The buildings respond to the heights of nearby emerging developments as well as existing buildings. Spaces between the buildings maximise landscaped amenity, enhancing ecological value.
The scheme maximises quality of accommodation. Building heights range from 3 to 6 storeys, with upper floors of the buildings concealed within roof profiles. The buildings include pitched roofs, yet private amenity areas are integrated throughout. 97% of homes are dual or triple aspect and are arranged to maximise light and views with corner loggia balconies where possible. All dwellings have good access to daylight and sunlight; overlooking between homes is mitigated through carefully positioned windows and view hierarchies.
10% of units are Part M(3) and there are 7 blue badge holder car parking spaces. Each resident has access to ample communal amenity which includes a range of spaces – from quieter, enclosed zones to larger areas with children’s play space.
The character of the locality, specifically the historic fabric of Purley, is reflected in the use of materials and the details. The proposal is consistent with local architecture, while providing a contemporary response, ensuring the building sits well within the existing townscape whilst having its own identity.
This aims to enhance the street by positioning buildings at grade and increasing the width of the pavement, a contrast to the poor existing street condition. This increase in public realm gives back to the local townscape, enhancing connections and makes way for a new cycle and pedestrian route.

Key Features

The proposal mediates between two adjacent character areas; transitioning from smaller-scaled, suburban residential buildings to the north-west and larger, emerging urban forms to the south-east.
The public realm improvements create a more successful streetscape, the pavement is widened and makes way for new active travel routes creating connections within Purley.
Landscape led approach – as many of the existing trees, vegetation and varied topography is retained and considered in the overall design. The scheme achieves biodiversity net gain and ecological gain, with the Urban Greening Factor at 0.615, significantly exceeding London Plan’s targets.

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Scheme Information


  • Multi-Aspect Apartments
  • Innovative House Types


  • Medium density


  • Affordable


  • Community Consultation
  • Custom build
  • Urban Regeneration


  • Brickwork
  • Contemporary Design
  • Traditional
  • New London Vernacular


  • Biodiversity/Building with Nature

Outdoor areas

  • Private Terraces
  • Outside Terrace
  • Biodiversity
  • Garden

Surrounding Area

  • Healthy Streets
  • Landscape
  • Communal Spaces
  • Play Spaces
  • Public open space


As part of our response to the climate emergency, Formation Architects is committed to sustainable residential development. Our design for this site is landscape-led. Hence, retaining as many of the existing trees, vegetation and the existing varied topography, as possible – a key concept to protect existing biodiversity and celebrating existing features of the site. Ecological enhancements such as a pond, wildlife boxes and green roofs planted with wildflowers are proposed to enhance biodiversity and to create features for residents to enjoy. Overall, the scheme achieves biodiversity net gain and ecological gain, with the Urban Greening Factor at 0.615, significantly exceeding London Plan’s targets. The design seeks carbon reduction and ensures a low-carbon lifestyle through a highly thermal efficient building fabric, the use of air source heat pumps, sustainable urban drainage strategies, a reduced building form factor and the use of materials with a low lifecycle environmental impact and embodied energy. The scheme encourages the use of existing and proposed active travel and is a car-free scheme. With a Public Transport Accessibility Level (PTAL) of 5, it is near to a range of existing transport routes, connecting the new community to surrounding areas and promotes sustainable travel. The public realm along Banstead Road is widened to accommodate new active travel routes. Cycle storage is provided including a range of stand types and stands for oversized bikes. This will ensure and promote the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions. The central core and play space give ample opportunities for social interaction, promoting health and wellbeing. The landscape settings and designs allow this site to be a vibrant place for a new community to flourish, it will create an advantageous environment to reside in and promote healthy living.